Last night, Navviitha Tharmalingam had a farewell dinner at her place. Yeah, she's one of the hordes of Malaysian students who have to go all over the world and to pay extravagantly for better education simply because the education standard here..well..sucks. Sad isn't it. Imagine how much better the country will fare if ALL of its graduates are employable. Brain drain, money drain, human resource drain..Malaysia is one big "longkang" when it comes to this. It used to be better..a long long time ago..I think. Wasn't it?I guess it changed when "nationalistic" pride took over. What the fuck happened. Anyway, Navvi. When i first saw her I only thought of her as some girl going around campus with her colossal face-fixing box (crate rather) and helping anyone who needs a face job. Navvi,the face fixer. After i got to know her a little better though, she happens to be a part-time model, occasionally appearing on local magazines.. and being the first machaa babe that is going to appear on hypertune magazine, which is dominated by chinese looking girls. Go India. I guess that explains her face-fixing expertise. As a friend, she's been as great as any, perhaps even more so. Thats makes it sad that she's leaving..No matter. I'l be joining her at Down Under in half a year, so i guess its no biggie. I'l miss her though. Kudos to our friendship my exotic friend :)
picture above: Denesh, Navvii, Rae, Me-after having a few beers(i'm not usually this red)
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