e premte, 29 qershor 2007

An interactive post.

The holidays are coming up. I'm going to have lots of free time. Of course i'l get a job, but besides that i'l still have some time to spare. So, i'm going to want to do something beneficial for myself. Call it personal development..maybe. Thing is, i've a few things in mind and I can't do them all, so if you guys dont mind i'd like some feedback as to which I should pursue.

a. Give drum lessons(i know i'm not fully qualified to be a teacher but I can certainly teach =) )
b. Read a bunch of books( i don't mind reading actually.. really!)
c. Pick up the bass guitar
d. Woo some girls for the fun of it(personal development indeed, life's getting too predictable)
e. Learn to cook better.

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