e premte, 25 prill 2008

time to move on.

yeah. precisely. after all this time..i think.. it's best that i do try even harder to move on.. everyday passes by and im getting more and more convinced that she's never gonna see me that way.. no matter how much i love her.. look..if she thinks she can't stand dating guys her age...makes me wonder how many guys her age she has dated for her to make a statement like that. does the guy she's "seeing" at the moment a bastion of maturity at almost 30? ive been told otherwise by she herself. when it comes to maturity its not about the age.. in fact the older people are the more stubborn ones because they already think theyre all that and "matured" isnt it? here i am, keeping quiet about how i feel, trying to be the big brother around the house, trying my best to take care of both the girls.. and i still get statements like that thrown in my face.. she probably has her own justifications for making such a sweeping statement but oh well i cant help but feel a little offended..i guess. she probably doesnt know or care that she did anyway..

other statements like "i think its weird that good friends get together romantically" also convince me that.. i am wasting my time.. though good friends know each other best..thats why when they get together..they really do love each other for who they are.. and isnt that the best thing that can happen? otherwise it'd just be testing unknown waters not knowing what ul get just because it feels "weird if its my good friend". im sorry. im not writing for an audience to read, im just rambling and venting because this is the only place i can..hopefully i can look back on these posts and have a good laugh at it.. oh well. i guess its time to move on..but can i?

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